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What is a Modern Workplace?

It’s implemented technology that makes your job easier, not more complicated. It’s partnering with a team that has your back 24/7. It’s optimizing every workforce hour. It’s streamlined workflows. It’s essential to your business practices. Period.

How does the Modern Workplace make me connected supported collaborative efficient adaptable secure mobile competitive ?


Internal communication isn’t sending emails or carrier pigeons anymore. Stay in contact with your team with the M365 Teams application and VoIP phone system.


Whether you need a shoulder to cry on or Managed IT Services from our 24/7 Help Desk, we have your back.


Allow your team to collaborate on documents in real-time. Like… right here, right now. Completely live. (No promises that your coworkers won’t watch how many typos you make in that Word doc.)
KeeFORCE modern workplace


Efficiency is like a domino effect. Once all of your important stuff is stored in ONE place and you aren’t wasting time hunting down documents, you can then do the fun stuff like automated AP and HR. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.


Proactively protect your network and business from unwanted guests and data breaches. We don’t just mean bad guys in ski masks. But we do that too.


The job gets done no matter where you or your team are located. It’s not that you’d want to approve invoices laying on the beach, we’re just saying that you could. The Cloud goes where you go.
KeeFORCE modern workplace

Modern Workplace FAQ

Do I have a modern workplace?

We don’t know yet, take the quiz to find out.

What does a Modern Workplace NOT look like?

  • Getting all new computers
  • Only having a brick-and-mortar office
  • Being tied to a filing cabinet to access your documents
  • You must be in a physical office to get your job done

Is it expensive to become a Modern Workplace?

It probably costs more to not be modern. Wasted paper. Wasted time. Wasted manpower. So no, it’s not expensive. Here’s a Document Management case study that breaks it down for you to prove it.

Why should I have a Modern Workplace?

  • Higher quality recruiting staff
  • Happier workers
  • Increased collaboration, productivity, and efficiency
  • Improved ability to communicate
KeeFORCE Modern Workplace Quiz

If you aren’t sure how your business ranks as a Modern Workplace, give us 30 seconds to take the quiz.

We’ll show you where your business currently stands and how your Workplace could improve.

Take the Quiz